Saturday-Sunday, February 24th and 25th, HARDLIVER Barleywine Fest

16th Annual HardLiver Barleywine Festival

Out of the bleakness of the Seattle Winter comes a shining beacon of hope. After conditioning (or pickling) your bodies during the holiday season, it’s time to do some real heavy lifting and again show your body whose boss. That’s right! Hard Liver is upon us once more.

Now in its 16th year, we’ll be showcasing the best the world in barleywine has to offer. Old stalwarts of the style will mix it up with recent releases in a no-holds-barred event where the winner is surely to be you.

We will be tapping at least 50 barleywines that’ll make you taste buds tingle and your body mourn what could’ve been had there not been such a thing as barleywine.

Join us the last weekend in February for this time-honored tradition where we will once again find out, “How hard is your liver?!”