Thursday, June 28th @11am Belgium Vs England

While we aren’t known as a sports bar, we do fancy ourselves to be fans of Belgium. Beers, chocolates, cuisine, you name it, we like it. That will extend to the World Cup this year. We’ll be showing the Belgium/England match on June 28th at 11 am. As a bonus, we’ll be playing it with the sound on, a rarity for us.

We are inviting our Belgian friends and national team supporters to put on their finest kits and joining us to watch Les Diables Rouges take on the Three Lions. I mean, c’mon, we don’t have the U.S. to cheer on, so you might as well. Belgium is rad. It’s the seat of the EU, they ride bicycles, they love beer and chocolates, and they are one of the most traffic-congested places in Europe. Brussels and Seattle are like twins.